Yes, dudes & dudettes, once again it's SOTU time.
Only this time, it will be

last ever SOTU.

We're gonna be live blogging the
We will be downing 1 shot of whatever your fave poison is every time Dubya The Asshole mentions certain words.
To wit:
Now, no SOTU
For those of you who aren't familiar with it, Welcome to Texas!
"Alamo Basement"
2 parts peach schnapps
1 part Ballerina vodka (or any vodka that comes in a 1/2 gallon plastic easy-pour safety bottle)
A crushed Vicodin*, and a splash of soda.
It's served through a funnel and accompanied by chanting.
* If the person ordering is such an anal stickler for historical accuracy that they say,
"There is no basement in the Alamo!," Substitute two Vicodin.
~courtesy of the marvelous Betty Bowers.~
If, by some miraculous cosmic event, Darth Cheney's latest pacemaker yells, "Fuck this! I'm outta here" during SOTU, we will pause in our festivities (momentarily) while you grab yourself a piece of ass.
Followed promptly by 2 shots of your fave drink, of course.
Are you ready to rumble?
Saddle up, baby.
Let's ride!
© 2008 HillCountryGal
BTW, you can live stream SOTU HERE.
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