I accidentally tasered

I did.
It was awful.
Well, for him, I'm pretty sure it was awful.
For me, it was, ah, how do I put this.....
Oh yeah, I know....
OK, here's what happened.
I was getting my nightly massage from Balless Bob. He was working those paws, too. I mean, he was pushing 'em hard into my back.
Beau barked at something he imagined was outside and I sorta raised my head to pretend I was vaguely interesting in his "watch dog" capabilities when Balless Bob stopped the massage.
I turned to look at BB and he walked up my back to about my shoulder blades and leaned his nose close to my hand.
So, naturally, I extended my fingers to rubs his ears.
Except I missed.
Remember how I said he been really massaging my back with those pushing the paws thingie?
Uh huh, you guessed it.
I touched the tip of his nose and a fucking spark from hell zapped him.
Static electricity, baby.
I mean, I SAW that blue electricity leap from the tip of my fingers to the tip of his nose.
He looked stunned for a second, then he FLEW off the couch and RAN outta the room.
Me: "BOB!!! I'm sorry. Come back!"
Me: "BOB! Get your ass back in here. You weren't finished with my massage."
Me: "I apologize, OK? Now get back in here."
Me: "Are you gonna make me beg? You are, aren't you, you little shithead."
Me: "BOB!!!!"
I've been looking for him for like 3 hours now. Still haven't found him. He's SOMEWHERE in this house.
I'm pretty sure I heard him telling Kitty,
"If she reaches out to pet your nose, fucking RUN!!"
OK, now lookie here.
Instead of posting the vid in the left hand corner like I usually do, gonna post this baby right here in the middle.
I gotta tell ya, I was over on YouTube for HOURS and came across this one that just utterly enchanted me.
Do yourself a big favor and watch and listen to the whole video.
You will almost be hypnotized.
© 2008 HillCountryGal
Heaven and Earth
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