Tuesday, November 27, 2007


So I don't know about your part of the world, but here in the Hill Country, balls are everywhere!

That's right, baby,



Out there swinging in the breeze for all to see.

Not an ounce of shyness (or modesty) in 'em.

Well, see for yourself.

Now, lest you think ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL, have I got a surprise for you!

Well, OK, One-Size DOES fit all, but trust me here, there's a SET OF BALLS out there to satisfy even the most picky of BALL OWNERS.

So let's take a tour of the, ummmm, OCCUPATIONAL BALLS, shall we?

We shall.

First *UP*

Wait. That doesn't work with this.

*Hanging low*

we have

1. ZZ Top (Sharp Dressed) Balls

2. Mandingo Balls

3. Hillbilly Balls

4. Bob The Builder's Been Hitting The Sauce Too Much Balls

5. Stop Drop Roll AND Call 911 Balls

6. White Pasty Dude Balls

7. Blow Balls

8. Survivalist Balls

9. Hunter Balls

10. Oo-La-La Festive Balls

11. Presidential (Hillary Rodham Clinton) Balls

*balls courtesy of bumpernuts*

Happy Ballin'!


© 2007 HillCountryGal

Note: Oh, please. This one is a no-brainer....

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